Everyone talks about what a bad idea getting into real estate is just because it's in a down market right now. But they have not idea how wrong they are! A lot of people are uneducated about the real estate industry and people tend to be scared of what they don't know. Many people's personal housing experiences have left a bad taste in their mouths and they have slandered something they never took the time to fully understand in the first place. Many times people underestimate the difficulty of what they are undertaking and overestimate their ability. What we need now is more people to be educated about smart investing and savvy decision making when it comes to their investments. Now is the time to reset your thinking. Now is the time to look outside the traditional box.. Just take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and be open to learning.
It used to be that the stock market was the place to keep your investments, but within the last few years it has been one of the most volatile, unstable places to choose to keep your hard earned money. It lacks structure making it an easy place to make expensive mistakes. You're the only one that tells you what you're doing and how you're doing it - there's no guarantee that you'll come out ahead.
CD's are safe and insured, but what about if you need to access your money earlier than it's maturity date? You have to pay to have access to what is already yours. They don't give you the freedom to make your own decisions. It puts your money on a pedestal that makes it unobtainable without consequences.
Granted IRA's offer more options than CD's and the stock market and they're safe, but you still can't get access to what is already yours without consequences and you get extra tax penalties for being under 60? That's just crazy talk.
That's why we're so passionate about real estate investing and the reason we're creating this blog. We want people to be aware of the endless possibilities real estate offers! When most people think about real estate investing they think of being a landlord or rehabbing and flipping properties, but there is so much more out there. We are going to take the time to catalog all the options so you can see the broad spectrum of what's available to anyone and everyone!
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